Voices of Unity

Your Right Place

Right where you are is the perfect place to feel God's healing presence.  Right now is the perfect time to release the love, power, peace, and understanding of God into your moment by moment activities. Wherever you find yourself, you are there by divine appointment.

If you find yourself in a situation that appears unpleasant, you can know you are there to bring to it the transforming energy of love and peace. If you are surrounded by others who are conversing in a negative manner, you have the opportunity to silently or audibly speak words of upliftment and encouragement. If you feel inner turmoil, now is the perfect time to let God's healing, soothing balm give you rest and new direction.

Every moment of every day, you are always in the right place at the right time, where you can be God's messenger of love and light.




A Prayer for Lesser Feelings

by Rich Orloff


How often I have thought

“If only I didn’t feel this way”

And only later recognized

The blessing of that feeling


Each time I struggle being me,

I hear (if I listen):

Make room for rage, for grief, for confusion and despair

All are gifts from the Divine


Embrace being human in every way

Do not orphan parts of your soul

The feelings you wish to avoid

May need your most tender embrace


Give love to your lesser feelings

Give them time to play

Establish boundaries if you must, and then:

Love them more


I pray to recognize each feeling as a gift

And to be an eager student to their teachings

I can only become as large as me

If I make room for all I am



copyright © 2024 Rich Orloff.

Deb Jennings, Sounds for the Soul

Better Together


Every Tuesday afternoon for the last 11 years, a small group of people have brought mats, blankets and pillows to cocoon themselves on the hardwood floor at the Unity Center of Des Moines.

As light filters through the stained-glass windows of the nondenominational chapel, sound healer Deb Jennings plays a gong, tuning forks and Himalayan singing bowls. The vibrations of the ancient instruments resonate through the space while she leads guided meditations on self-compassion, healing and the importance of service.

“I have them breathe in love and gratitude for themselves,” Jennings said, “so they can love and accept themselves just as they are, right here, right now, in this very moment.”

Inspired to Serve

Jennings is a lifelong musician who started playing the piano at 5 years old. Despite her love of music, she hesitated to commit to a life of performance or teaching. But that all changed in 1995, when a group of sound healers visited the church where she played piano for the choir. “When I heard the first note of the singing bowl, I felt my heart pull to it like a magnet,” Jennings said.

Unity Church of Omaha gave Jennings her first singing bowl, and since then, she’s built a collection of instruments from around the world. After an apprenticeship in sound healing, she began studying Buddhism to understand the history of the practice. This led to an invitation to study music in China, Tibet and India, where she spent a month learning from musicians at temples and monasteries. After that transformative trip, she returned to Iowa to care for her aging parents and set up a meditation practice at the local Unity Center.

Get Involved

In addition to the weekly meditation sessions, Jennings hosts monthly ceremonies connected to the lunar cycle. She encourages people to set intentions when the moon is new and release things when the moon is full.

“As we gather together in groups, the energy feels more powerful,” Jennings said.

Cacao ceremonies are a new addition to the schedule. Commonly used to make chocolate, the plant naturally relieves stress and boosts moods without any psychedelic effects. Ceremony participants consume cacao tea or cookies and then bathe in healing sound. After the meditation, the group regathers to discuss the experience.

“It’s something I can share with people that helps them communicate on a level that words can’t reach,” Jennings said. “I just want to create healing in the world so we can love each other better.”
