Updates for Unity

Children's Program, lower level

If you want to use the Children's Area for an event, please contact Dejah at dejahk@gmail.com or 515-371-5362 to make arrangements.

Each Sunday, Dejah Roman will guide children through their own intentionally created, play based experience, set around the same theme as the adult service.

Dejah is a 20+ year certified Early Childhood Educator. She specializes in creating safe, fun, child-led spaces and experiences for all ages. We are very excited to have a children’s area again and need your help! Over the next few weeks, the space will be getting fresh paint and we need some supplies. If you have questions, help to offer, or items you think would be helpful to donate to the space, please contact Dejah at dejahk@gmail.com or 515-371-5362. Financial donations can be made via cash, check or Venmo @Unity-DesMoines with “children’s community” in the notes or on our website unitydesmoines.com.


monthly meeting


















Dejah Roman

Macey LaMark

Sherwin Williams

Jodi Nyberg

Judy Olson Charitable Fund

Linda Lair



Want to get the latest Unity Center of Des Moines news? 

Email info@unitydesmoines.com and request to be added to our email list or come visit us on Sunday 10:30am and sign up in person!


2024 Annual Meeting Information

We want you to know who to contact if you have questions, concerns or compliments.

Deb Jennings
Director of Celebration and Music
Suggestions/Comments phone or text 515-371-0725

Stevie Lang

Rentals and Events
Celebration Assistant
Announcements or Prayer Requests
phone or text 515-707-3910

Laura Jones
Additions to Board Agenda phone or text 515-975-6331

Vivienne Woodson
Questions about finance phone or text 515-440-1292

Carrie England
Supplies Needed or building problem phone or text 515-428-8220

Dejah Roman
Children's Program

phone or text 515-371-5362


Together, we, the people of Unity Center of Des Moines, hold our community in the highest good for all concerned.